
I tried to login but I have a error message about a wrong
username/password with the three accounts.
I also try from my smartphone. I was unable to login too, but I saw one
problem : with the langage menu, I can't scroll down : when I try, I
scroll the whole page but not the menu, like in css with
"position:fixed" (my web browser is Opera Mobile v12.). It could have
been better to simply use a simple "select" menu.
In a general way please keep it simple with not to much JS. Less there
are shiny effects with JS, the more it will be accessible, to a maximum
of web browser.

Best regards

On 02/04/2015 19:34, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> Hello,
> As you most of you already know, we have been working on SOGo v3 for
> many months now.
> We initially decided to use AngularJS, Ionic and Foundation for the new
> web interface. After prototyping the address book and mail modules with
> both Ionic (for phones) and Foundation (desktops/tablets), we decided to
> review our choices.
> After more analysis, we decided to move away from dedicated templates
> for mobile devices (Ionic) and chose to build a responsive Web app with
> Angular Material (https://material.angularjs.org), the new shiny UI
> toolkit from the Angular team.
> Angular Material follows the Google's Material Design specification
> (http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html).
> The set of components it has matches our requirements, they are
> nice-looking and easily themable. It also allows us to have one
> interface for phones, tablets and desktops.
> You can test the new v3 interface on http://demo.sogo.nu/SOGo/
> (sogo1/sogo2, sogo2/sogo2, sogo3/sogo3 username/password) with mobile
> phones, tablets or desktops. You'll see the GUI dynamically adjusting
> itself based on the device's screen size using flexbox. The address book
> and mail modules are quite usable. Don't spend too much time on the
> calendar module as we're actively working on it. We are also actively
> working on bringing the work we had completed with Ionic/Foundation -
> like calendar sharing dialogs, subscriptions dialogs and more. The
> preferences UI will also get properly formatted in the coming days - but
> it is working right now.
> As mentioned in the past, your comments and ideas are welcome! If you
> even want to test it on your own servers, you can compile it from our v3
> branch on github.
> Thanks and best regards,

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