Am 11.12.2015 um 08:48 schrieb Riecken Jens:
von Francis Lachapelle
On Dec 10, 2015, at 6:08 AM, Alain Abbas <> wrote:

It is possible to have the 3 panes in the mail like the old one (vertical for 
list and message ?)

It's not currently possible. It could eventually be developed if there's an
interest for this kind of layout. The new layout has the advantage of being
easily adaptable to different screen sizes.


we're using SOGo as our corporate mailing system, and the demands go in both 
ways. Some people would never give up the classical |- layout, where others 
highly demand the three-columned variant.

I guess it's just a question of personal preference - therefore it would be 
great if each user could choose for himself which layout fits his needs best.

We see the same here, there are different user preferences.
Myself I sometimes switch, depending on what I'm doing with the email and what screen resolution is available.

Also Outlook users have the option to switch between the different modes.

One just never fitts all, even when the apple-sellers try to convince us the same matches for all



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