
I am having some trouble with a small scale SOGo installation (less than 10 users) using SOGo 3.0.2 with ActiveSync and Outlook 2013 clients. I have SOGo configured for 15 workers and these are the ActiveSync specific settings I am using:
  WOWorkersCount = 15;
  SOGoMaximumPingInterval = 600;
  SOGoMaximumSyncInterval = 600;
  SOGoInternalSyncInterval = 30;
  WOWatchDogRequestTimeout = 6;
  SxVMemLimit = 768;
  /* Debug */
  SOGoEASDebugEnabled = YES;

After some time processes keep hanging in the same request until all workers are occupied and I get error "[WOWatchDog]> No child available to handle incoming request!"

At the end is an example of the log file of process 6808 and the last requests it got. I also made backtraces with gdb from that process (see attachment) - the process was either in function NGDescriptorRecv or in a sleep from SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher.

I tried increasing timeouts up to 1 hour as suggested in the Active Sync tuning hints from the manual, but that did not help. Processes were sitting just longer until they got killed by the watch dog.
Any hint how to resolve this issue would be great.

Best regards

Apr 11 14:48:07 sogod [6808]: "POST 
 HTTP/1.1" 200 0/5867 10.209 - - -9144K
Apr 11 14:48:07 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> EAS - request for 
device 2A8135456E6A4D19AFB98ADF5F5572B7: <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC "-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN" 
<Ping xmlns="Ping:">

Apr 11 14:48:17 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:48:57 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:49:07 sogod [6800]: [WARN] <0x0x7febb1b8dda0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 
6808 has been hanging in the same request for 1 minutes
Apr 11 14:49:36 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:50:07 sogod [6800]: [WARN] <0x0x7febb1b8dda0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 
6808 has been hanging in the same request for 2 minutes
Apr 11 14:50:16 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:50:55 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:51:07 sogod [6800]: [WARN] <0x0x7febb1b8dda0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 
6808 has been hanging in the same request for 3 minutes
Apr 11 14:51:34 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:52:07 sogod [6800]: [WARN] <0x0x7febb1b8dda0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 
6808 has been hanging in the same request for 4 minutes
Apr 11 14:52:14 sogod [6808]: <0x0x7febb274cbe0[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher]> 
Sleeping 30 seconds while detecting changes in Ping...
Apr 11 14:53:07 sogod [6800]: [WARN] <0x0x7febb1b8dda0[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 
6808 has been hanging in the same request for 5 minutes

0x00007feba84ddc3d in poll () from /lib64/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007feba84ddc3d in poll () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007febadc1e395 in NGDescriptorRecv (_fd=10,
    _buf=0x7febb2944d80 "1267 OK Unselect completed.\r\ner.Wetter Michael\" 
(UIDVALIDITY 1448470783)\r\n1266 OK Status completed.\r\n \\Seen \\Draft \\*)] 
Flags permitted.\r\n* 25 EXISTS\r\n* 0 RECENT\r\n* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1448470761] 
UIDs va"..., _len=512,
    _flags=0, _timeout=3600000) at NGDescriptorFunctions.m:215
#2  0x00007febadc23231 in -[NGActiveSocket readBytes:count:] 
(self=0x7febb274ffe0, _cmd=0x7febade46d00 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+416>,
    _buf=0x7febb2944d80, _len=512) at NGActiveSocket.m:744
#3  0x00007febadc13dab in -[NGBufferedStream readBytes:count:] 
    _cmd=0x7febade46d00 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+416>, _buf=0x7ffe1a194dbf, 
_len=1) at NGBufferedStream.m:291
#4  0x00007febadc1b385 in NGReadByteFromStream (_stream=0x7febb27e4ee0) at 
#5  0x00007febadc1adcd in -[NGStream readByte] (self=0x7febb27e4ee0, 
_cmd=0x7febade3ef10 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+464>)
    at NGStream.m:90
#6  0x00007febadc14100 in -[NGBufferedStream readByte] (self=0x7febb27e4ee0, 
_cmd=0x7febade4dbe0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+352>)
    at NGBufferedStream.m:336
#7  0x00007febadc1fb8d in -[NGByteBuffer la:] (self=0x7febb27d9210, 
_cmd=0x7febae3e35e0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+288>, _la=0)
    at NGByteBuffer.m:217
#8  0x00007febae13c6c4 in _la (self=0x7febb270d450, _laCnt=0) at 
#9  0x00007febae13d112 in -[NGImap4ResponseParser 
parseResponseForTagId:exception:] (self=0x7febb270d450,
    _cmd=0x7febae3e63d0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+880>, _tag=1268, 
ex_=0x7ffe1a195008) at NGImap4ResponseParser.m:273
#10 0x00007febae14e285 in -[NGImap4Client 
processCommand:withTag:withNotification:logText:] (self=0x7febb27a7a90,
    _cmd=0x7febae3e6d20 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+3264>, _command=0x7febb383ac80, 
_tag=1 '\001', _notification=1 '\001',
    _txt=0x7febb383ac80) at NGImap4Client.m:1770
#11 0x00007febae14e801 in -[NGImap4Client processCommand:] 
(self=0x7febb27a7a90, _cmd=0x7febae3e6410 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+944>,
    _command=0x7febb383ac80) at NGImap4Client.m:1843
#12 0x00007febae14a0ed in -[NGImap4Client select:] (self=0x7febb27a7a90, 
_cmd=0x7feb9c865f60 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+864>,
    _folder=0x7febb383aba0) at NGImap4Client.m:915
#13 0x00007feb9c63f2bf in -[SOGoMailFolder davCollectionTag] 
(self=0x7febb3835370, _cmd=0x7feb9b1d99d0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+2416>)
    at SOGoMailFolder.m:2154
#14 0x00007feb9afac001 in -[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher processPing:inResponse:] 
(self=0x7febb274cbe0, _cmd=0x7febb1d44ca0,
    theDocumentElement=0x7febb280ad40, theResponse=0x7febb27c9bc0) at 
#15 0x00007feb9afb24cd in -[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher 
dispatchRequest:inResponse:context:] (self=0x7febb274cbe0,
    _cmd=0x7feb9b6216e0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+96>, theRequest=0x7febb27af840, 
    theContext=0x7febb18e88e0) at SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher.m:3258
#16 0x00007feb9b41af18 in -[SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncActions 
microsoftServerActiveSyncAction] (self=0x7febb2425a10,
    _cmd=0x7febb1d44ce0) at SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncActions.m:56
#17 0x00007febae544293 in -[WODirectAction performActionNamed:] 
    _cmd=0x7febae8f50c0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+928>, _actionName=0x7febb27e5700) 
at WODirectAction.m:97
#18 0x00007febae5c6ab4 in -[SoActionInvocation 
    _cmd=<optimized out>, _client=<optimized out>, _positionalArgs=0x0, 
_ctx=0x7febb18e88e0) at SoActionInvocation.m:300
#19 0x00007febae5c2118 in -[SoObjectMethodDispatcher dispatchInContext:] 
(self=0x7febb20cd6c0, _cmd=<optimized out>,
    _ctx=0x7febb18e88e0) at SoObjectMethodDispatcher.m:191
#20 0x00007febae5c4189 in -[SoObjectRequestHandler 
handleRequest:inContext:session:application:] (self=0x7febb1c98590,
    _cmd=<optimized out>, _rq=<optimized out>, _ctx=0x7febb18e88e0, 
_sn=<optimized out>, app=<optimized out>)
    at SoObjectRequestHandler.m:584
#21 0x00007febae5558d3 in -[WORequestHandler handleRequest:] 
    _cmd=0x7febae843e10 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1616>, _request=0x7febb27af840) 
at WORequestHandler.m:237
#22 0x00007febae5174bc in -[WOCoreApplication dispatchRequest:usingHandler:] 
    _cmd=0x7febae843e60 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1696>, _request=0x7febb27af840, 
handler=0x7febb1c98590) at WOCoreApplication.m:712
#23 0x00007febae5177bf in -[WOCoreApplication dispatchRequest:] 
    _cmd=0x7febafaeae60 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1312>, _request=0x7febb27af840) 
at WOCoreApplication.m:752
#24 0x00007febaf8e3b7d in -[SOGo dispatchRequest:] (self=0x7febb1bebd80, 
_cmd=0x7febae8db880 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1824>,
    _request=0x7febb27af840) at SOGo.m:444
#25 0x00007febae5b4d05 in -[WOHttpTransaction _run] (self=0x7febb27b6400, 
_cmd=0x7febae8db8b0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1872>)
    at WOHttpTransaction.m:596
#26 0x00007febae5b5065 in -[WOHttpTransaction run] (self=0x7febb27b6400, 
_cmd=0x7febae8d9550 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1136>)
    at WOHttpTransaction.m:649
#27 0x00007febae5b0c64 in -[WOHttpAdaptor runConnection:] (self=0x7febb1c814f0, 
_cmd=0x7febae8d95f0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1296>,
    _socket=0x7febb27c2dc0) at WOHttpAdaptor.m:367
#28 0x00007febae5b0e82 in -[WOHttpAdaptor _handleAcceptedConnection:] 
    _cmd=0x7febae8d9600 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1312>, 
_connection=0x7febb27c2dc0) at WOHttpAdaptor.m:401
#29 0x00007febae5b1277 in -[WOHttpAdaptor _handleConnection:] 
    _cmd=0x7febae8d96b0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1488>, connection=0x7febb27c2dc0) 
at WOHttpAdaptor.m:460
#30 0x00007febae5b1543 in -[WOHttpAdaptor acceptControlMessage:] 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    _cmd=0x7febae8d9410 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+816>, 
aNotification=0x7febb273ff00) at WOHttpAdaptor.m:499

#31 0x00007febaccf913f in -[NSNotificationCenter _postAndRelease:] () from 
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00007f9632fcf49d in nanosleep () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00007f9632fcf334 in sleep () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00007f9625acc11b in -[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher processPing:inResponse:] 
(self=0x7f963b94f9b0, _cmd=0x7f963ae987c0,
    theDocumentElement=0x7f963b09ec00, theResponse=0x7f963aa64bd0) at 
        collectionId = 0x7f963b891a30
        realCollectionId = 0x7f963c8eb160
        syncKey = 0x0
        foldersWithChanges = 0x7f963b897650
        allFoldersID = 0x7f963b8f5220
        folderType = ActiveSyncTaskFolder
        folderMetadata = 0x7f963ca9f330
        defaults = 0x7f963abe05e0
        aCollection = 0x7f963b949120
        allCollections = 0x7f963b9e8d20
        s = 0x7f963b94f9b0
        collection = 0x7f963c8ef3e0
        d = 0x7f963b09ec00
        i = 4
        j = 61
        heartbeatInterval = 600
        defaultInterval = 600
        internalInterval = 30
        status = 5
#3  0x00007f9625ad24cd in -[SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher 
dispatchRequest:inResponse:context:] (self=0x7f963b94f9b0,
    _cmd=0x7f96261416e0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+96>, theRequest=0x7f963b916fe0, 
    theContext=0x7f963b0de150) at SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher.m:3258
        documentElement = 0x7f963b09ec00
        pool = 0x7f963ae7b700
        builder = 0x7f963b8ed440
        dom = 0x7f963b923310
        aSelector = 0x7f963ae987c0
        activeUser = 0x7f963b8e8940
        cmdName = 0x7f963b8e62d0
        deviceId = 0x7f963b8f3ce0
        d = 0x7f963b8d6a40
#4  0x00007f9625f3af18 in -[SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncActions 
microsoftServerActiveSyncAction] (self=0x7f963ac70860,
    _cmd=0x7f963ae987f0) at SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncActions.m:56
        response = 0x7f963aa64bd0
        request = 0x7f963b916fe0
        bundle = 0x7f963ad61160
        ex = 0x7ffdff597580
        dispatcher = 0x7f963b94f9b0
        clazz = 0x7f9625cf8fe0 <_OBJC_Class_SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher>
#5  0x00007f9639064293 in -[WODirectAction performActionNamed:] 
    _cmd=0x7f96394150c0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+928>, _actionName=0x7f963adaedb0) 
at WODirectAction.m:97
        actionSel = 0x7f963ae987f0
        rng = {location = 9223372036854775807, length = 0}
#6  0x00007f96390e6ab4 in -[SoActionInvocation 
    _cmd=<optimized out>, _client=<optimized out>, _positionalArgs=0x0, 
_ctx=0x7f963b0de150) at SoActionInvocation.m:300
        method = 0x7f963ac70860
        result = 0x0
#7  0x00007f96390e2118 in -[SoObjectMethodDispatcher dispatchInContext:] 
(self=0x7f963b4044e0, _cmd=<optimized out>,
    _ctx=0x7f963b0de150) at SoObjectMethodDispatcher.m:191
        pool = 0x7f963ad82a90
        rq = <optimized out>
        httpMethod = <optimized out>
        clientObject = <optimized out>
        methodObject = 0x7f963b91c670
        resultObject = <optimized out>
#8  0x00007f96390e4189 in -[SoObjectRequestHandler 
handleRequest:inContext:session:application:] (self=0x7f963ad45550,
    _cmd=<optimized out>, _rq=<optimized out>, _ctx=0x7f963b0de150, 
_sn=<optimized out>, app=<optimized out>)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at SoObjectRequestHandler.m:584
        dispatcher = 0x7f963b4044e0
        r = <optimized out>
        object = 0x7f963b91c670
        authenticator = <optimized out>
        doDispatch = 1 '\001'
#9  0x00007f96390758d3 in -[WORequestHandler handleRequest:] 
    _cmd=0x7f9639363e10 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1616>, _request=0x7f963b916fe0) 
at WORequestHandler.m:237
        startHandling = 0
        app = 0x7f963ae5a9f0
        response = 0x0
        context = 0x7f963b0de150
        thread = 0x7f963aa3f310
        sessionId = 0x0
        session = 0x0
        uri = 0x7f963b68a4e0
#10 0x00007f96390374bc in -[WOCoreApplication dispatchRequest:usingHandler:] 
    _cmd=0x7f9639363e60 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1696>, _request=0x7f963b916fe0, 
handler=0x7f963ad45550) at WOCoreApplication.m:712
        startDispatch = 0
        response = 0x0
        startDispatch = 0
#11 0x00007f96390377bf in -[WOCoreApplication dispatchRequest:] 
    _cmd=0x7f963a60ae60 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1312>, _request=0x7f963b916fe0) 
at WOCoreApplication.m:752
        handler = 0x7f963ad45550
#12 0x00007f963a403b7d in -[SOGo dispatchRequest:] (self=0x7f963ae5a9f0, 
_cmd=0x7f96393fb880 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1824>,
    _request=0x7f963b916fe0) at SOGo.m:444
        runLoopModes = 0x7f963b0a4390
        debugOn = 0 '\000'
        resp = 0x7f96393fb410 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+688>
        startDate = 0x7f963b90ba30
        timeDelta = 6.930912040397382e-310
        objc_super = {self = 0x7f963ae5a9f0, super_class = 0x7f963940bf40 
#13 0x00007f96390d4d05 in -[WOHttpTransaction _run] (self=0x7f963b90ba30, 
_cmd=0x7f96393fb8b0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1872>)
    at WOHttpTransaction.m:596
No locals.
#14 0x00007f96390d5065 in -[WOHttpTransaction run] (self=0x7f963b90ba30, 
_cmd=0x7f96393f9550 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1136>)
    at WOHttpTransaction.m:649
        ok = 1 '\001'
#15 0x00007f96390d0c64 in -[WOHttpAdaptor runConnection:] (self=0x7f963ae0db60, 
_cmd=0x7f96393f95f0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1296>,
    _socket=0x7f963c3c6930) at WOHttpAdaptor.m:367
        tx = 0x7f963b90ba30
#16 0x00007f96390d0e82 in -[WOHttpAdaptor _handleAcceptedConnection:] 
    _cmd=0x7f96393f9600 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1312>, 
_connection=0x7f963c3c6930) at WOHttpAdaptor.m:401
        t = 6.9529308694907191e-310
#17 0x00007f96390d1277 in -[WOHttpAdaptor _handleConnection:] 
    _cmd=0x7f96393f96b0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1488>, connection=0x7f963c3c6930) 
at WOHttpAdaptor.m:460
No locals.
#18 0x00007f96390d1543 in -[WOHttpAdaptor acceptControlMessage:] 
    _cmd=0x7f96393f9410 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+816>, 
aNotification=0x7f963b863880) at WOHttpAdaptor.m:499
        notificationSocket = 0x7f963ae1aca0
        connection = 0x7f963c3c6930
        message = WOChildMessageAccept
        pool = 0x7f963ac787b0
#19 0x00007f963781913f in -[NSNotificationCenter _postAndRelease:] () from 
No symbol table info available.
#20 0x00007f96384a3e3d in -[NSObject(FileObjectWatcher) 
receivedEvent:type:extra:forMode:] (self=0x7f963ae1aca0,
    _cmd=0x7f9637d6e9b0, _fdData=0x7, _type=ET_RDESC, _extra=0x7, 
_mode=0x7f9637d00410) at NSRunLoop+FileObjects.m:58
        nc = 0x7f963aa43810
#21 0x00007f963791feea in -[GSRunLoopCtxt pollUntil:within:] () from 
No symbol table info available.
#22 0x00007f9637860870 in -[NSRunLoop acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:] () from 
No symbol table info available.
#23 0x00007f9637860d22 in -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] () from 
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
No symbol table info available.
#24 0x00007f9639036d14 in -[WOCoreApplication run] (self=0x7f963ae5a9f0, 
_cmd=0x7f963a60ac70 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+816>)
    at WOCoreApplication.m:584
        loop = 0x7f963ad58710
        limitDate = 0x7f963ae1c920
        pool = 0x7f963ac976f0
#25 0x00007f963a40322e in -[SOGo run] (self=0x7f963ae5a9f0, _cmd=0x7f96393a1be0 
<_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+608>) at SOGo.m:268
        objc_super = {self = 0x7f963ae5a9f0, super_class = 0x7f963940bf40 
#26 0x00007f963907edde in -[WOWatchDog _runChildWithControlSocket:] 
    _cmd=0x7f96393a1c80 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+768>, 
controlSocket=0x7f963ae1aca0) at WOWatchDogApplicationMain.m:518
        app = 0x7f963ae5a9f0
#27 0x00007f963907f271 in -[WOWatchDog _spawnChild:] (self=0x7f963aa4c4d0, 
_cmd=0x7f96393a1d50 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+976>,
    child=0x7f963acf1a20) at WOWatchDogApplicationMain.m:595
        pair = {0x7f963ae1aca0, 0x7f963ae62950}
        isChild = 1 '\001'
        childPid = 0
#28 0x00007f963907f959 in -[WOWatchDog _ensureChildren] (self=0x7f963aa4c4d0, 
_cmd=0x7f96393a1f20 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1440>)
    at WOWatchDogApplicationMain.m:685
        count = 0
        max = 1
        child = 0x7f963acf1a20
        isChild = 0 '\000'
        delayed = 0 '\000'
        now = 0x7f963ad692d0
        nextSpawn = 0x7f963ad69290
#29 0x00007f9639080976 in -[WOWatchDog run:argc:argv:] (self=0x7f963aa4c4d0, 
_cmd=0x7f96393a2030 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1712>,
    newAppName=0x7f963a609160 <_OBJC_INSTANCE_0>, newArgC=7, 
newArgV=0x7ffdff59a348) at WOWatchDogApplicationMain.m:936
        pool = 0x7f963ac3f1d0
        runLoop = 0x7f963ad58710
        limitDate = 0x7f963ad17db0
        listening = 1 '\001'
        retries = 1
#30 0x00007f96390810a1 in WOWatchDogApplicationMain (appName=0x7f963a609160 
<_OBJC_INSTANCE_0>, argc=7, argv=0x7ffdff59a348)
    at WOWatchDogApplicationMain.m:1045
        pool = 0x7f963aaa9be0
        ud = 0x7f963aaa6610
        logFile = 0x7f963aadb230
        nsPidFile = 0x7f963aadb100
        rc = 936470784
        childPid = 0
        processInfo = 0x7f963aac2790
        WOAppClass = 0x7f963a60a8c0 <_OBJC_Class_SOGo>
#31 0x00007f963a4024c1 in main (argc=7, argv=0x7ffdff59a348, 
env=0x7ffdff59a388) at sogod.m:51
        pool = 0x7f963aa7da00
        sd = 0x7f963abe05e0
        rc = 0

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