That sounds great! I am on Debian 8.

Thanks in advance,

Am 13.05.2016 um 17:18 schrieb Ludovic Marcotte (
On 2016-05-08 12:14, Adrian Figueroa ( wrote:

Checking the SOGo log file with mysql logs enabled, it shows me this, when I try to add a contact:

May 08 18:10:45 sogod [4786]: <0x0x7fb6ec90e660[GCSFolderManager]> ERROR(-[GCSFolderManager folderForRecord:]): missing folder location in record: {"c_acl_location" = "<null>"; "c_folder_id" = 4; "c_folder_type" = Contact; "c_location" = "<null>"; "c_path" = "/Users/"; "c_quick_location" = "<null>"; }

I am running the latest nightly again.

I think I've just found and fixed that issue.

Which distro are you using? I can generate an updated nightly build for you to test.


Ludovic Marcotte   ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 

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