
If you run something „special“ like the Zentyal system and they offer packages 
for SOGo V2, it might be a god idea to ask them to release an update and doc on 
how to use SOGo V3….

As Chris noted, there might be an other stop for you regarding the open change 

If you update SOGo from the sources … you might break you Zentyal installation 
etc ….



> Am 25.05.2016 um 18:35 schrieb Amit Armoogum (armoo...@silkan.net) 
> <users@sogo.nu>:
> Hi Christian
>    Many thanks for your reply.
>    Well on zentyal, things do not work with repos,
>    I mean there are specific repos for Zentyal and as Sogo is considered as a 
> Zentyal module it doesn't upgrade on zentyal repos because Sogo V3 has not 
> been included on Zentyal repos yet....
>    Yes I am also using OpenChange, Webmail, Samba, Spamassassin, Clamav, 
> Amavis all of them bundled in Zentyal modules.
>    Oh I wasn't aware of this new release. thanks for the info.
>    I guess I will have to run a classical update by adding the Sogo V3 repos 
> to my apt list.
>    I hope and I pray I will not get into trouble! (I've backuped my VM by 
> snapshotting it ... )
>    I'll keep you all updated...
> Amen :)
> On 25/05/2016 18:10, Christian Mack (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de) wrote:
>> Hello
>> Which repos do you use?
>> You have to switch to the v3 ones.
>> Then update sogo via apt and reinstall sope.
>> That is all.
>> But if you also use openchange, you better should wait for the announced
>> update of that to the new samba version.
>> Kind regards,
>> Christian Mack

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