Hi, we have around 90 EAS clients (Android Phones) and a SOGo server dedicated to EAS only.

Most of the phones are not configured in Push (sync interval=15 min) but I cannot exclude that some user manually configured it in push

Apache is configured this way:

ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync \
 http://srvsogo02.apra.it:20000/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync \
 retry=60 connectiontimeout=5 timeout=360

and sogo.conf:

  /* ActiveSync */
  SOGoMaximumSyncResponseSize = 1024;
  SOGoMaximumPingInterval = 10;
  SOGoMaximumSyncInterval = 30;
  SOGoInternalSyncInterval = 60;
  WOWorkersCount = 40;
  SxVMemLimit = 384;

From the tests I did I cannot set WOWorkersCount lower than 40 or I start getting lots of:

    No child available to handle incoming request!

I cannot set lower than 384 either: I already have lots of:

terminating app, vMem size limit (384 MB) has been reached (currently 397 MB)

[root@srvsogo02 ~]# grep -i "vMem size limit" /var/log/sogo/sogo.log  |wc -l

The server has 4 cpus and 12 GB of RAM and after only 6-8 hours all the RAM is occupied and the server start swapping until the oom killer terminates all sogod processes. I have another server with 4 GB of RAM that is handling 200 heavy Thunderbird clients just fine.

Is this expected behaviour? How many resources am I supposed to use to handle 90 phones?



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