Ok, I dumped my databases and reinstalled 2.3.16 from
http://www.axis.cz/linux/debian (thanks by the way for the repo!) and got it all working again.

Still, maybe a dev or someone could have a look on the error message and add some more verbose output to the exception.

Kind regards,

PS: sorry for the incomplete mail - I hit the wrong key

Am 2016-10-05 um 17:21 schrieb Peter Schmidt (peter.schm...@bixa.cc):
Hi there!

I have my rather ancient server version 2.3.2-1 running for some time
now. Today all of a sudden the Proxy Service stopped responding (first
occasionally, then totally).
I restarted the service and it failed to come up again with the
following error:

NSConcreteMapTable.m:441  Assertion failed in NSCreateMapTableWithZone.
sogod: Uncaught exception NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason:
NSConcreteMapTable.m:441  Assertion failed in NSCreateMapTableWithZone.

I can neither run sogod, nor sogo-tool.

This installation is very simple. I use it for my phone, pc and laptop
to sync calendars and contacts via *DAV. Today I wanted to add a second
user and that was when it all started to fall apart.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Kind regards,

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