Hmmm, meanwhile SOGo and nginx stop working when performing a search via
ActiveSync whereas searching in web interface is working pretty well.

I have endless log entries like:

container: /SOGo --
  own: /SOGo/
Nov 18 09:49:46 sogod [18083]: <0x560ba7c862d0[SOGoMailAccounts]:Mail>
baseURL: name=Mail (container=SOGoUserFolder)
  container: /SOGo/u...@example.come/
  own: /SOGo/
Nov 18 09:49:46 sogod [18083]: <0x560ba7cbf320[SOGoMailAccount]:0>
baseURL: name=0 (container=SOGoMailAccounts)
  container: /SOGo/
  own: /SOGo/
Nov 18 09:49:46 sogod [18083]:
<0x560bad43f390[SOGoMailFolder]:folderArchive> baseURL:
name=folderArchive (container=SOGoMailAccount)
  container: /SOGo/
  own: /SOGo/
Nov 18 09:49:46 sogod [18083]: <0x560badecce80[SOGoMailObject]:12055>
baseURL: name=12055 (container=SOGoMailFolder)
  container: /SOGo/
  own: /SOGo/

In the end this results in:

*28613 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to
upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET
/SOGo/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "";, host:

This happens every time when searchin via ActiveSync (only tested on
iOS). I have absolutely no idea, what's going wrong. The mailbox is
really big, but searching via web interface is fast.



Am Do, 17. Nov 2016, um 07:07, schrieb Andreas:
> Hi,
> I am running a quite large mailbox with nearly 20k mail in the inbox
> folder and nearly 30k mails in an archive folder. With solr search is
> working very fast in SOGo's web interface.
> When searching via ActiveSync search is rather slow and sometimes causes
> the SOGo process and nginx to stop responding (so that they have to be
> restarted).
> As far as I know I cannot exclude folders from search (otherwise I would
> consider to exclude the Archive folder), but I guessed that ActiveSync
> search would be as fast as searching within the web interface. 
> Are there any tuning tipps?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> -- 

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