Maik Derstappen [2016-11-24 20:08 +0100] :

>    On 24.11.2016 11:47, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
>    ([1] wrote:
> From the docs it is not clear what the syntax is, because the text an
> the example show different syntax.
> I don't think so.
>    the docs are just changed to the nested array example, before it was
>    ja a list in the example ;)

I was lucky then. :-)

> Just set this up for two of my domains. I guess the most
> important aspect to note is that it's an "array of arrays". So,
> each group of domains that should be visible to each other is one
> array. If you want to have multiple groups that share visibility
> you need multiple arrays.
> For example if a group consisting of domain1, domain2, and
> domain3 should see each other, and another group of domain2,
> domain4, and domain5 should see each other, you'd have to
> specify:
>   SOGoDomainsVisibility = ( ( domains1, domain2, domain3 ), ( domain2, domain4
> , domain5 ) ) ;
> Does this help to better understand it?
>    ok good to know thx for the example.
>    You are using domain1 and domain2 instead of and

Well, this depends on how you name the domains you service with

>    I have the feeling that there is something strange in general with
>    the multi domain config.
>    I set it up like:
>      domains = {
> = {
>          SOGoMailDomain =;
>          SOGoUserSources = (
>                  {
>                    type = sql;
>                    id = dom1_dir;
>                    DomainFieldName = "domain";
>                    viewURL =
>    [2]"postgresql://sogo:passw...@mail.lan:5432/mail/sogo_users";
>                    SOGoDomainsVisibility = ((,;
>                    canAuthenticate = YES;
>                    isAddressBook = YES;
>                    userPasswordAlgorithm = ssha;
>                  }
>          );
>        };
> = {
>          SOGoMailDomain =;
>          SOGoUserSources = (
>                  {
>                    type = sql;
>                    id = dom2_dir;
>                    DomainFieldName = "domain";
>                    viewURL =
>    [3]"postgresql://sogo:passw...@mail.lan:5432/mail/sogo_users";
>                    SOGoDomainsVisibility = ((,;
>                    canAuthenticate = YES;
>                    isAddressBook = YES;
>                    userPasswordAlgorithm = ssha;
>                  }
>          );
>        };
>      };
>    But if a user from is logged in, he can see addresses from
> but surprisingly not for his domain
>    Any idea what that could be.

Please take a closer look at the "Preferences Hierarchy" that
SOGo implements at

You must distinguish between System, Domain, and User

The preference in question (SOGoDomainsVisibility) is of type
System as you can see in the table at

where there is an "S" in the column left from
"SOGoDomainsVisibility". However, you use it as a Domain
Preference because you put it under each domain (see your
configuration example above). I am pretty sure that this causes
the error. You must put it outside of the domains' configuration
as follows:

  domains = {
    domain0 = {
      SOGoMailDomain = domain0;
      SOGoUserSources = (
    domain1 = {
      SOGoMailDomain = domain0;
      SOGoUserSources = (
    domain2 = {
      SOGoMailDomain = domain2;
      SOGoUserSources = (
    domain3 = {
      SOGoMailDomain = domain3;
      SOGoUserSources = (

  SOGoDomainsVisibility = ( ( domain0, domain2 ), ( domain2, domain3 ) );

Obviously, domain{0..3} must be real domain names.

How does that work out for you?


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