On 25.11.2016 13:14, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff (st...@niklaas.eu) wrote:
> Maik Derstappen [2016-11-24 20:08 +0100] :
>>    On 24.11.2016 11:47, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
>>    ([1]st...@niklaas.eu) wrote:
>> From the docs it is not clear what the syntax is, because the text an
>> the example show different syntax.
>> I don't think so.
>>    the docs are just changed to the nested array example, before it was
>>    ja a list in the example ;)
> I was lucky then. :-)
>> Just set this up for two of my domains. I guess the most
>> important aspect to note is that it's an "array of arrays". So,
>> each group of domains that should be visible to each other is one
>> array. If you want to have multiple groups that share visibility
>> you need multiple arrays.
>> For example if a group consisting of domain1, domain2, and
>> domain3 should see each other, and another group of domain2,
>> domain4, and domain5 should see each other, you'd have to
>> specify:
>>   SOGoDomainsVisibility = ( ( domains1, domain2, domain3 ), ( domain2, 
>> domain4
>> , domain5 ) ) ;
>> Does this help to better understand it?
>>    ok good to know thx for the example.
>>    You are using domain1 and domain2 instead of domain1.com and
>>    domain2.com.
> Well, this depends on how you name the domains you service with
> SOGo.
>>    I have the feeling that there is something strange in general with
>>    the multi domain config.
>>    I set it up like:
>>      domains = {
>>        dom1.de = {
>>          SOGoMailDomain = dom1.de;
>>          SOGoUserSources = (
>>                  {
>>                    type = sql;
>>                    id = dom1_dir;
>>                    DomainFieldName = "domain";
>>                    viewURL =
>>    [2]"postgresql://sogo:passw...@mail.lan:5432/mail/sogo_users";
>>                    SOGoDomainsVisibility = ((dom1.de, dom2.de));
>>                    canAuthenticate = YES;
>>                    isAddressBook = YES;
>>                    userPasswordAlgorithm = ssha;
>>                  }
>>          );
>>        };
>>        dom2.de = {
>>          SOGoMailDomain = dom2.de;
>>          SOGoUserSources = (
>>                  {
>>                    type = sql;
>>                    id = dom2_dir;
>>                    DomainFieldName = "domain";
>>                    viewURL =
>>    [3]"postgresql://sogo:passw...@mail.lan:5432/mail/sogo_users";
>>                    SOGoDomainsVisibility = ((dom1.de, dom2.de));
>>                    canAuthenticate = YES;
>>                    isAddressBook = YES;
>>                    userPasswordAlgorithm = ssha;
>>                  }
>>          );
>>        };
>>      };
>>    But if a user from dom2.de is logged in, he can see addresses from
>>    dom1.de but surprisingly not for his domain dom2.de.
>>    Any idea what that could be.
> Please take a closer look at the "Preferences Hierarchy" that
> SOGo implements at
>   https://sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGoInstallationGuide.html#_preferences_hierarchy
> You must distinguish between System, Domain, and User
> Preferences.
> The preference in question (SOGoDomainsVisibility) is of type
> System as you can see in the table at
> https://sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGoInstallationGuide.html#_multi_domains_configuration
> where there is an "S" in the column left from
> "SOGoDomainsVisibility". However, you use it as a Domain
> Preference because you put it under each domain (see your
> configuration example above). I am pretty sure that this causes
> the error. You must put it outside of the domains' configuration
> as follows:
>   domains = {
>     domain0 = {
>       SOGoMailDomain = domain0;
>       SOGoUserSources = (
>         {
>           [snip]
>         }
>       );
>     };
>     domain1 = {
>       SOGoMailDomain = domain0;
>       SOGoUserSources = (
>         {
>           [snip]
>         }
>       );
>     };
>     domain2 = {
>       SOGoMailDomain = domain2;
>       SOGoUserSources = (
>         {
>           [snip]
>         }
>       );
>     };
>     domain3 = {
>       SOGoMailDomain = domain3;
>       SOGoUserSources = (
>         {
>           [snip]
>         }
>       );
>     };
>   };
>   SOGoDomainsVisibility = ( ( domain0, domain2 ), ( domain2, domain3 ) );
> Obviously, domain{0..3} must be real domain names.
> How does that work out for you?
>     Niklaas
Hi Niklass,

yes, i discovered this already.
But the main Problem was, that SOGo has problems if a domain contains a
dot, thats why i translate now the domain names from domain.de into
Now it works ;)

thank you verry much for you help ;)

viele Grüße
Maik Derstappen

Maik Derstappen

derico - web development & consulting
-- Python - Plone - Zope - Pyramid - Django --
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