i also receive 6 times any alarm notification since a while.
I'm running on Debian 8 with posgresql.

Is there's a bug opened about this specific issue = 6 clone notifications ?

On 24 January 2017 at 18:53, Christoph Kreutzer wrote :
You would think so, but no :D

The query in the cronjob is rounding down to the full minute and then takes the 
range from then to -5 mins.
So the alarm may come a bit late (at the event start time or shortly after), 
but it is sent.

Since I have only a small setup and use these notifications only several hours 
before fixed events (real world garbage collection ;-) ) this is fine for me. 
However I will test a newer nightly with the normal job when I come to it.


Am 23.01.2017 um 08:06 schrieb Ralf Cirksena (c...@holmco.de) <users@sogo.nu>:

On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 03:09:45PM +0100 you wrote:

What I also observed was that the reminder with the default cron job (every 
minute) was send six times, because the tool uses a 5 minute window (seen it in 
the source code). I now changed to cron job to run every 6 mins at that is fine 
now. However, it???s a kind of weird.

What do you do with arlarms set to 3..5 minutes prior to the event? I guess you 
may miss a few alarms.

Pierre Fumet

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