
> I have a sogo 3 install with about 220 users.. all is working flawlessy,
> server (10 GB Ram, centos6) is unstressed.. so far, so good..
> all the clients pc are w7 pro with at least 4Gb ram, but users are
> complaining about a general slow feedback from the UI.. all users are on
> firefox, last available release.
> is there anything I can check/configure (both on client side and/or on
> server one) to improve user experience?
Did you personally (on your computer) experience this too? Then maybe a 
starting point could be to use the developer tools in Firefox to nail the 
underlying cause...
If not, looking at the differences between your computer and the other users' 
computers may help: do they use a proxy server? Is there some mitm-'security' 
software installed on their machine? Some anti virus snakeoil that does remote 
security checks?

-- Adi

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