Hi all,

All of our users are subscribed to approx. 15 shared calendars (located on the same server). The Events view in SOGo shows all events of all calendars. I'd like that view to show only the events of the user's Personal Calendar, not the events of the subscribed calendars. How do I achieve this?

I assume Thunderbird's Today Pane is also affected by this? I tried the "calendar.registry.<GUID>.showInTodayPane" setting in the config editor but the pane continues to show events of the specific calendar despite that setting being set to false.

I'm using: SOGo 3.2.7 (@shiva.inverse 201703230704) and Thunderbird 45.8.0 with Lightning 4.7.8, SOGo Connector 31.0.3 and SOGo Integrator 31.0.3.

Kind regards,

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