I can't get automx to autodiscover with Outlook 2016. Do you use automx?

This is my automx file:

provider = xyzzy.xy
domains = *
debug = yes
logfile = /var/log/automx/automx.log
# Protect against DoS
memcache =
memcache_ttl = 600
client_error_limit = 20
rate_limit_exception_networks =, ::1/128
# The DEFAULT section is always merged into each other section. Each section
# can overwrite settings done here.
account_type = email
account_name = XYZZY Corp ${displayName}
account_name_short = xyzzy
server_url = https://sogo.xyzzy.xy/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
server_name = SOGo
display_name = ${displayName}
activesync_email = ${mail}
action = settings
smtp = yes
smtp_server = email.xyzzy.xy
smtp_port = 587
smtp_encryption = starttls
smtp_auth = plaintext
smtp_auth_identity = ${uid}
smtp_refresh_ttl = 6
smtp_default = yes
imap = yes
imap_server = email.xyzzy.xy
imap_port = 143
imap_encryption = starttls
imap_auth_identity = ${uid}
imap_auth = plaintext
imap_refresh_ttl = 6
# - IP des Masters, es können mehrere ldap-URLs angegeben werden:
host = ldap://
base = cn=users,dc=xyzzy,dc=xy
result_attrs = displayName, uid
scope = sub
filter = (&(objectClass=univentionMail) (mailPrimaryAddress=%s))
bindmethod = simple
binddn = uid=apacheauth,cn=users,dc=xyzzy,dc=xy
bindpw = pasword
usetls = false
#cacert = /etc/ldap/ssl/cacert.pem
# If you want to sign mobileconfig profiles, enable these options. Make sure
# that your webserver has proper privileges to read the key. The cert file
# must contain the server certificate and all intermediate certificates. You
# can simply concatenate these certificates.
#sign_mobileconfig = yes
#sign_cert = /path/to/cert
#sign_key = /path/to/key
pop = no
backend = ldap

On 2017-09-26 11:46 PM, André Schild (an...@schild.ws) wrote:

autodiscovery isn't a big thing, but as you mentioned required by Outlook 2016.

Fortunally there exists the automx project which helps you with this (It also helps for thunderbird and other clients)



Am 26.09.2017 um 22:36 schrieb Gerald Brandt (g...@majentis.com):

I've setup a couple of Outlook 2016's by manually configuring activesync. It seems Microsoft has removed that feature, and now REQUIRES autodiscovery.

According to the manual, autodiscovery is not supported in SOGo. That means Outlook 2016 activesync is not supported in SOGo.

Is there anything I can do to get this going?



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