Am 12.09.18 um 13:46 schrieb Adi Kriegisch (
> Hi!
>>> we already use a similar php script. The problem here is that the new
>>> version does not work on TB 52 and the old version also does not work on
>>> TB 60.
>> The modifications made in the SOGo Integrator to make it work with 
>> Thunderbird 60 would likely also work with Thunderbird v52. You can test 
>> this by modifying the install.rdf file in the XPI and lower down the     
>> em:minVersion="60.0" requirement.
> We tried that already and it mostly works. The only caveat is that auto
> completion for email addresses for SOGo's user directory (which is ldap
> based in our case) does not work anymore. There are no errors in the
> console. (Interesting enough: searching in the address book app itself
> works for the users directory, just not when composing an email)
> It would be really great if you could help us getting that to work!

Tried that also but Calendar sync was somewhat broker:
I could create an entry and this was synchonised howerver updating that
entry did not sync back. Reseting the calendar cache resulted in an
empty calendar and this in the error console of TB:

TypeError: getBrowser(...) is null[Weitere Informationen]
TypeError: cal.provider is undefined[Weitere Informationen]
NS_ERROR_XPC_GS_RETURNED_FAILURE: Component returned failure code:

This was running plugins Version 60 on TB 52.



> -- Adi

Dr. Christian Naumer
Research Scientist
Plattform-Koordinator Bioprozesstechnik

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