So I am using apache, and I have seen numerous people have this same issue. Everything I am reading it says it has something to do with the SOGo.conf file in the apache folder but that does not seem to be the case. I tried all the suggestions like this one . I also tried copying the SOGo.conf from the ZEG release and still the same issue.


On 1/25/2019 5:36 PM, Pedro Antunes ( wrote:
Hi Matthew,

I had same problem but it was related with virtualhost that I created to 

My solution was redirect / to /SOGo on nginx.

location / {
     try_files $uri $uri/ @strip-ext;
     return 301 /SOGo$1;

Pedro Antunes

On 25/01/2019, 23:32, " on behalf of Matthew Valdez" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

     Hello all,
Currently have SOGo setup to authenticate and login using ldap for our
     Active directory and when I go to sign in, it will redirect you to
     sogo/SOGo/username and it will be the login screen again, and you can
     keep repeating the login. I am assuming it has something to do with the
     database? I created the database and the user, I tried creating the
     tables and nothing changes. Below is my sogo config file with a few
     modifications to remove any "sensitive" data.
Thanks, -Matthew { SOGoProfileURL =
              OCSFolderInfoURL                      =
              OCSSessionsFolderURL                  =
              OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL               =
              OCSStoreURL                           =
              OCSAclURL                             =
              OCSCacheFolderURL                     =
SOGoLanguage = English;
              SOGoAuthenticationType                = LDAP;
              SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled               = YES;
              SOGoForwardEnabled                    = YES;
              SOGoVacationEnabled                   = YES;
              SOGoEnableEMailAlarms                 = YES;
              SOGoTimeZone                          = US/Central;
              SOGoSieveServer                       = sieve://;
              SOGoCalendarDefaultRoles              = ("PublicDAndTViewer");
              SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoUserSources = (
                              type            = ldap;
                              CNFieldName     = cn;
                              IDFieldName     = uid;
                              UIDFiledName    = sAMAccountName;
                              baseDN          = "CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local";
                              bindDN          = "CN=Sogo
                              bindFields      = (sAMAccountName);
                              bindPassword    = sogo;
                              canAuthenticate = YES;
                              displayName     = "Active Directory";
                              hostname        = "ldap://ipaddress:389";;
                              id              = directory;
                              isAddressBook   = YES;
     Matthew Valdez
     Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
     501 Oak Street
     Sweetwater, TX 79556 USA
     (325) 235-5494 Phone, ext:3393

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