Hi all,
can anyone help with the below error message? It occurs for two users only on 
two specific PCs only, using active sync with Outlook 2016/2019, all others 
work fine, also with the stated versions of Outlook, the same mailboxes 
"activesync" very well on other devices with Outlook or on IOS too ...

May 09 22:10:53 sogod [28048]: [ERROR] 
 could not insert/update record for record 
'/E7404CC35D70434C84B15A1F9DCDE57D+folder4a82be19cf0c615af14e0000c50df049' in 
sogo_cache_folder_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: <MySQL4Exception: 0x5570f7567790> 
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:MySQL server has gone away

We have deleted and recreated the profiles already, no success.

many thanks for any hint!

best regards


no è vero, quindi è ben inventato!

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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