Oh, and I have of course already tried to reset the affected devices using 
sogo-tool manage-eas resetdevice. It starts to sync properly after that but 
after a day or so it stops again, I could not find relevant errors in the logs 
besides the one stated below.


many thanks




From: Andreas Blaha <andr...@blaha.at> 
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 9:55 AM
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: SQL server has gone away


Hi all,
can anyone help with the below error message? It occurs for two users only on 
two specific PCs only, using active sync with Outlook 2016/2019, all others 
work fine, also with the stated versions of Outlook, the same mailboxes 
"activesync" very well on other devices with Outlook or on IOS too ...

May 09 22:10:53 sogod [28048]: [ERROR] 
 could not insert/update record for record 
'/E7404CC35D70434C84B15A1F9DCDE57D+folder4a82be19cf0c615af14e0000c50df049' in 
sogo_cache_folder_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: <MySQL4Exception: 0x5570f7567790> 
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:MySQL server has gone away

We have deleted and recreated the profiles already, no success.

many thanks for any hint!

best regards


no è vero, quindi è ben inventato!

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