
On 10/2/19 6:16 PM, Florian Unger (florian.un...@intego.de) wrote:
The webinterface is working well but Thunderbird integration is very slow although I am testing with a single active user only.
In the beginning I got
[ERROR] <0x0x557e240888d0[WOWatchDog]> No child available to handle incoming request!
in the log.
I increased the RAM to 4GB and workers to 10 and got rid of theĀ  "No child available" errors, but the performance did not improve.

But the above error is also likely not related to your thunderbird performance issue. You could try another imap client and another client workstation to check if your issue is thunderbird specific, client workstation specific, or generally all imap is so slow.

Thunderbird does not respond to user input for about a minute after each program start.

Does anybody have ideas ?

That is unusually slow. I would check what your server is doing during that minute. You could try things like: iostat, atop / top.

Having said all that: actually the SOGo web interface also uses imap to connect to your mailboxes, so if /SOGo is fast and thunderbird (using the same imap settings) is THAT slow, I would really look into the client workstation as well.

Good luck,

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