Pardon the newbie questions...

What are the steps involved to create an XPI from the Connector code currently available on Github?  I'm used to modifying the "demo" XPI to suit our environment, but this appears to be a completely different process than I have done in the past.  I cloned the repo (pretty standard), but where do I go from there?  The instructions in state that I should "cp -a custom/sogo-demo custom/mysite".  Does "mysite" need to be set to something specific?  Does it need to be the fully-qualified URL of my SOGo server, or something else?  The instructions also state that I should "customize the sogo-connector.baseURL value" in "custom/mysite//chrome/content/sogo-connector/general/custom-preferences.js". However, I do not see "sogo-connector.baseURL" in this file.  I see compilation instructions for SOGo itself in the Wiki, but I can't find instructions for compiling the Thunderbird Connector.

Thanks for any direction you can provide to me!

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