Hi Greg,

I followed the steps at https://github.com/inverse-inc/sogo-connector which are the ones you will find in the README.md. The copy cmd generates the config for your site so yes, my lucky guess was I renamed it to my SOGo server's public URL.
In the file
I did the following

  demo: force_char_pref("sogo-connector.baseURL", "https://demo.sogo.nu/SOGo";);   mySOGoserver: force_char_pref("sogo-connector.baseURL", "https://www.<mySOGoserver>/SOGo");

then I ran the build commands and zipped the stuff back into the XPI file.

For that worked in the sense that Thunderbird found my calendars and my address book. What didn't work though:

- Not the full address book was synced (according to Ludovic that is due to a bug in Thunderbird; there is a workaround using SOGo 5.0.1 and the latest SOPE version. That *did not* fix it for me!) - I cannot edit calendar entries in Thunderbird; when saving an entry I get the message that it recently was changed on the server and if I want to reload or safe anyways. Saving does not work after either.

So for now I stick with T68 and the working environment, happy to test the "new" stuff though as well.


Am 05.11.20 um 20:44 schrieb Greg Miller (gmil...@conley-inc.com):
Pardon the newbie questions...

What are the steps involved to create an XPI from the Connector code currently available on Github?  I'm used to modifying the "demo" XPI to suit our environment, but this appears to be a completely different process than I have done in the past.  I cloned the repo (pretty standard), but where do I go from there? The instructions in README.md state that I should "cp -a custom/sogo-demo custom/mysite".  Does "mysite" need to be set to something specific?  Does it need to be the fully-qualified URL of my SOGo server, or something else?  The instructions also state that I should "customize the sogo-connector.baseURL value" in "custom/mysite//chrome/content/sogo-connector/general/custom-preferences.js". However, I do not see "sogo-connector.baseURL" in this file.  I see compilation instructions for SOGo itself in the Wiki, but I can't find instructions for compiling the Thunderbird Connector.

Thanks for any direction you can provide to me!


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