Dear Andreas,

> I know and I did exactly this but it still doesn't work!
> What I did:
> - changed ONLY
>      force_char_pref("sogo-connector.baseURL",
> "";);
>    to our server
> - make distclean
> - make build=iks
We experienced similar issues in initial testing and solved them by
putting the full dav url for the user into the generated connector
  | https://your.sogo.server/SOGo/dav/youruser/
into chrome/content/sogo-connector/global/sogo-config.js baseURL like
  | var sogoConfig = { username: 'youruser',
  |                    baseURL: 'https://your.sogo.server/SOGo/dav/youruser/' 

Actually we do even have a web service where users may download their
connectors preconfigured this way because we cannot ensure that the
first mail account in Thunderbird is the one used for SOGo.
Subsequent updates were then done with a generic connector, but that
didn't change a thing; the connector still worked fine.

best regards,


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