I tried and it fucked up my system.

All calendars were duplicated with this setting and thunderbird froze.
I had to kill it, remove sogo-connector in filesystem, and remove all *calend* in prefs.js in %appdata%

On 12.11.20 06:12, Gordon Messmer (gordon.mess...@gmail.com) wrote:
On 11/11/20 10:07 AM, Andreas Welbers" (mli...@ind.rwth-aachen.de) wrote:
I know and I did exactly this but it still doesn't work!

What I did:
- changed ONLY
    force_char_pref("sogo-connector.baseURL", "https://demo.sogo.nu/SOGo";);

I need to look at this again, and I might be mistaken but:

I set up the extension for TB 78 recently, and as far as I can tell, that setting *must* have a trailing '/' character or else the URL constructed for contacts will be wrong.

I need to find some time to do more testing and if I confirm that, I'll send a PR with a fix.

Andreas Welbers
Head of IT
Institute of Communication Systems (IKS)
RWTH Aachen University
Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 26968  (phone)
+49 241 80 626968 (fax)


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