Hi Sean,

I do not know if this will work it has been some time since i had issues with ActiveSync also along time since i used SOGo v2

But i think the commands to reset the eas device are the same.
*sogo-tool manage-eas listdevices USER@NAME*
*sogo-tool manage-eas resetdeviceUSER@NAME LISTED-DEVICE*

To debug I think the best place to start is with the configuration 'SOGoEASDebugEnabled = YES' (if you have a lot of users active, choose a time with the least activity)


Christian M. Jensen

Den 03-09-2021 kl. 17:26 skrev "Sean M. Pappalardo" (spappala...@renegadetech.com):

I'm running SOGo 2.4.x and suddenly yesterday my Android phone stopped getting E-mail messages via the ActiveSync connection with SOGo. The problem started when I was repeatedly trying to use the search feature to find old messages. Suddenly it wasn't finding _any_ messages (even though I know for a fact there were some in the last 30 days with the search term) and now it's not getting new messages at all, and if I try to open a message it previously received, the phone displays "Can't open message" then the message disappears from the list as if I deleted it!

Checking via the SOGo Web interface shows all of the messages and I can open them fine there. I don't see anything amiss in the SOGo logs either, other than the occasional "LOG:  could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer" from PostgreSQL.

Where else should I look to see where the problem is? Is there a way to reindex SOGo's database of mail ActiveSync sees or something?

Thank you!

Sean M. Pappalardo
Sr. Networks Engineer
Renegade Technologies

Hilsen / Regards
Christian M. Jensen


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