
I can't talk about the Gigaset Go-Box 100, but the GIGASET IP DECT Multicell system N720-DM-PRO  has following options - has anyone an idea if this could be connected to SoGo adressbook? Christian? Anyone?:

1. *Phone book via Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)*

           Phone book via XML-Protocol

3. *Public online phone books*

   You can select the online phonebooks of several providers for
   display in the handset.


     * kT Phonebook
     * Telefoongids
     * Phone cat.
     * DGS Navne
     * [tel.search.ch]
     * Settings for a custom provider  ...

Am 05.01.2022 um 15:52 schrieb Christian Mack (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de):

Am 05.01.22 um 14:29 schriebkubus0...@gmail.com:
Hello everybody.

Is it possible to use the Sogo Adress book on a Gigaset Go-Box 100?

As it only provides VOIP and DECT and no access via cardDAV or any file
based import function, there is no way to integrate any cardDAV, LDIF or
vCard address book.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


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