
Good to hear it's working. I think, not sure, that reminders are put directly to IMAP for that user from SOGo no SMTP.

But vacation I believe relies on sieve scripts.

Christian Jensen

Den 19-01-2022 kl. 19:09 skrev HYVERNAT Philippe (p.hyver...@outlook.fr):



i edited the file in FreeBSD /etc/crontab and put sogod user to execute the commands not use crontab -e

I restart sogo and no error on the log file : it is ok  but there is a thing i see is sogo don't send anything to my smtp server.

i see all my mail received but no reply for vacation ...

Any hints ?

Le 16/01/2022 à 10:53, "Christian M. Jensen" (c...@cjpg.dk) a écrit :


I think what you need is a Dovecot master user, I never had to set credentials for reminders, but for vacation. It's a simple change to Dovecot configuration (also simple to revert).

It may be as simple, as setting permission for the 'creds' file so that sogo can read it.

Any way, they both have the /'//-p//' /configure flag, hence my suggestion.


    - /.... specify a credential file using -p /path/to/credFile. .... separated by a colon (username:plain-text-password)/

And to configure master user(s) follow the official documentation I think its straight forward.


_Do not forget to lock the file with proper permissions._

    - -r-------- 1 sogo sogo 65 Aug  1 13:02 /etc/sogo/mailAlarms.cred

That is my suggestion.

Christian Jensen.

Den 14-01-2022 kl. 22:25 skrev HYVERNAT Philippe (p.hyver...@outlook.fr):

Thanks for your answer, I understand.

That is a way to specify this account ?

Is it eventually an issue of permission on the file ?

I try several account ...

Le 14/01/2022 à 11:44, Christian Mack (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de) a écrit :

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

In /etc/sogo/mailAlarms.creds you need credentials for an account
capable to send emails in the name of every other user on your SOGo server.
Not sure your account can do that.

It is some time back since I set this up, but not having
/etc/sogo/mailAlarms.creds altogether, did trigger a "not configured"
error back then.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 13.01.22 um 14:57 schrieb hyvernat philippe (p.hyver...@outlook.fr):
Yes postfix is couples with dovecot and an ldap server i put credentials and pas of my account

The error doesn’t say bas credential but not configured…
Thanks for your answer


Le 13 janv. 2022 à 13:31, Christian Mack <users@sogo.nu> a écrit :


Are the crendials in /etc/sogo/mailAlarms.creds valid for sending via
SMTP server?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

On 11.01.22 18:00, HYVERNAT Philippe (p.hyver...@outlook.fr) wrote:

of course even the server

Le 11/01/2022 à 17:11, Christian Mack (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de) a
écrit :

Did you restart SOGo after changing sogo.conf?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 11.01.22 um 09:31 schrieb HYVERNAT Philippe (p.hyver...@outlook.fr):

i setup the cronjob email reminders and i configure sogo.conf to
enable it



OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL =

*|SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = YES;|*


|every minute, the log file (/var/log/sogo/cron-ealarms-notify.log)

|I have this error :


|2022-01-11 08:29:00.234 sogo-ealarms-notify[84802:100568] *EMail alarms
are disabled in the SOGo configuration.*|


|Do you have any hints ? i am really stuck on this.|

|Thanks a lot|

|HYVERNAT Philippe

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