Thank you so much for this feature.

Can you please explain how SOGoPasswordRecoveryQuestion can be implemented?
Suppose I want users to set all SecretQuestion1, SecretQuestion2
and SecretQuestion3 - how do I do that?

On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 11:02 AM <> wrote:

> Dear community users,
> As many of you asked, we have implemented a new password recovery feature
> in SOGo.
> This feature allows users to retrieve their password using a secret
> question or a secured link sent to a secondary email.
> This is available in the latest Nightly Build. You'll need to set
> *SOGoPasswordRecoveryEnabled* and *SOGoJWTSecret* in sogo.conf according
> to documentation (
> ).
> Obviously you can answer this thread to improve this feature with your
> ideas, and open bugs if you have troubles on
> We plan to release a 5.8.0 at the end of October.
> ​​​​​
> Sebastien
> *Alinto*

Best regards,
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