
    I installed a new SOGo server on past July and everything works fine except that:

    - I'm going mad looking for where I can change the destination EMail address to which are sent the notifications of the state changes of the autoreply of each user. Right now these mails are sent to *sogo@mydomain* where I would like them to be sent to a dedicated existing address (for instance not_autorep@mydomain)

    - I encounter trouble with the Personnal Address Book: I can't edit entries, I can't even not see them by moment and I get a "Request failed" pop-up. My SOGo version is 5.8.0-1

    Some help about these two topics would be appreciate.

    All the best,


Dr François Vivet
Service Informatique
IMN - UMR6502 CNRS/Nantes Université
2, rue de la Houssinière
44322 Nantes cedex 3
Tél.: +332 40 37 39 04

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