Solr can easily do what you want if I understand you correctly. Key terminology 
to use would be “document” for the expected items your search would return, in 
your case sounds like the folder with the text files, “fields” being the 
metadata points for each document, in your case sounds like text for the raw 
text, issn/isbn, and hopefully a title, and “id” being a unique field 
identifying your “document” in your case could simply be the folder name.  
Hopefully that helps a bit with the basics to describe what you want

> On Apr 17, 2022, at 12:56 PM, Jay Scott <> wrote:
> i'm going to watch some tutorials and see if they'll show
> me what i need.  i still have a feeling solr is much more
> than what i need, but, oh, well.  it won't hurt me to learn
> something new.  let me do some homework; if i need
> more help i'll ask.  thanks to all who replied.
> j.
>> On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 11:03 AM dmitri maziuk <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2022-04-16 9:25 PM, Jay Scott wrote:
>>> I want to do all of this locally -- not use the cloud or
>>> anything like that.
>> Can you fire up a docker container? These days it's not that hard to
>> spin up an instance of something to play with and see what it does.
>> Dima

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