Hi Rajeswari,

I think you're just "lucking out" because you're setting that field
specifically. There is no need to get the stored content from the index as
you're providing the content in your update query.

Try atomically updating another field and see if you can still find this
document by querying the name field. You shouldn't be able to. E.g.:

 "inStock":{"set": false}


Op do 22 dec. 2022 om 07:37 schreef Natarajan, Rajeswari

> Hi All,
> We have solr 8.11.1 . we would like to update a field which is defined as
> stored=false  and indexed=true in schema.  According to the documentation ,
> https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_11/updating-parts-of-documents.html  ,
> the field has to be defined as stored=true  Below is the snippet from the
> page
> The core functionality of atomically updating a document requires that all
> fields in your schema must be configured as stored (stored="true") or
> docValues (docValues="true") except for fields which are <copyField/>
> destinations, which must be configured as stored="false". Atomic updates
> are applied to the document represented by the existing stored field
> values. All data in copyField destinations fields must originate from ONLY
> copyField sources.
> Did an experiment with sample_techproducts_config by changing the name
> field as below with stored=false.
> <field name="name" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
> Created a collection with configset sample_techproducts_config
> Published this payload
> {
>     "id" : "978-1423103349",
>     "cat" : ["book","paperback"],
>     "name" : "The Sea of Monsters",
>     "author" : "Rick Riordan",
>     "series_t" : "Percy Jackson and the Olympians",
>     "sequence_i" : 2,
>     "genre_s" : "fantasy",
>     "inStock" : true,
>     "price" : 6.49,
>     "pages_i" : 304
>   }
> And couldn’t see the name field in the query. Did field update as below
> {"id":"978-1423103349",
>  "name":{"set": "this is completely new name RN"}
> }
> Hoping this will fail ,but it succeeded .
> Also could search
> http://localhost:8983/solr/testme/select?indent=true&q=name:”rn”
> search result
> {
>   "responseHeader":{
>     "zkConnected":true,
>     "status":0,
>     "QTime":0,
>     "params":{
>       "q":"name:\"rn\"",
>       "indent":"true"}},
>   "response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"numFoundExact":true,"docs":[
>       {
>         "id":"978-1423103349",
>         "cat":["book",
>           "paperback"],
>         "author":"Rick Riordan",
>         "author_s":"Rick Riordan",
>         "series_t":"Percy Jackson and the Olympians",
>         "sequence_i":2,
>         "genre_s":"fantasy",
>         "inStock":true,
>         "price":6.49,
>         "price_c":"6.49,USD",
>         "pages_i":304,
>         "_version_":1752890818039906304,
>         "price_c____l_ns":649}]
>   }}
> Question :
> Looks like the documentation needs to be updated ? (as stored=true is not
> mandatory to do Atomic field update and this field is not copy field) or am
> I missing something . Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Rajeswari

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