
I have a question, and hope someone has a solution,

I run Spamassassin 2.63 site-wide with sendmail and spamass-milter.

When an email is marked as SPAM, the headers are added, and the subject is changed, now lets assume some particular user has enabled "Out of the office" , the "bounced" message will be sent to the sender (assuming its a real email address) with all the SpamAssassin added comments (in case of SPAM), this gives away the info this particular site is using SpamAssassin, and why the email was mared as spam, wich rules/systems (DCC,RAZOR,SURBL) are used etc, which i think is something better being kept secret, if spam is to be handled better.

Anyone has any idea how to "strip" the headers on outgoing emails, remove the replaced body of spamassassin, and restore the message to its original state ?



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