Kevin Peuhkurinen wrote:
If you are that concerned about what information is revealed in out of office autoreplies, you should not be allowing OoO autoreplies externally anyway. They pose a far greater security risk in terms of leaking information that can be used in social engineering attacks than the risk you are worried about.

Good point. A few months ago I ended up with some Halliburton employee's cell phone number because a virus had picked my address as the "sender" and his as the recipient. I just deleted it (it's not as if I had any use for it), but who knows how many other people ended up with bogus replies. All it takes is one person with an axe to grind and unlimited minutes, and it's instant harrassment. Or just "Hi, so-and-so wanted me to pick xyz for him."

Back to Marco:

If you do want to enable OoO replies, you may be better off making them conditional* (only to specific groups of recipients, only if there are no attachments, only if SA says it's not spam, whatever) or, if you can't generate them conditionally, have your server discard them on the way out if they don't fit your criteria.

Finally, back to your original question: MIMEDefang can do (at least part of) what you want. The function action_delete_all_headers($header) will remove all instances of a header from a message. In theory, it should also be possible to write a filter that will reconstruct the message body from the SA-encapsulated one. (Keep in mind that you'll want to either disable SA calls from MIMEDefang or disable spamass-milter so that you don't end up calling SA twice.) See

* Procmail ought to make this possible if you're using Sendmail's vacation program. Other methods may vary.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>

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