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Subject: Re:wmcecrgig,HotSt0ck Talk


Ross Shepherd,
Homeland Defense Report
Identifying Defense and Security Stocks Ready to Explode

Look at the moves made by our last 2 Hot Picks.
MRKL .45 to 1.32 in 2 days, up 193%
UGHO .54 to 3.53 in 2 days, up 553%

Grab this HOT DEFENSE STOCK and cash in on a big stock dividend.
Homeland Security Technology, Inc. OTC - HSTJ
Immediate Buy - HUGE NEWS plus a 30% Stock Dividend
Current Price .013
Target Price for Sept. 30 .085

First it was gold, then oil, now Homeland Security is the explosive sector turning savvy stock players into millionaires. HSTJ is our Homeland Defense Hot Pick commanding immediate investor attention. HSTJ is an extremely undervalued player in the hottest market sector while simultaneously declaring a stock dividend of 30%. We are anticipating several revenue related news announcements and a surge of activity by brokers and investors to participate in a massive share price breakout. Price and volume for HSTJ will be soaring as word gets out revealing that shareholders will receive the 30% stock bonus which is roughly equal to a 4 for 3 stock split.

We have identified large block buying and active accumulation in HSTJ that is linked to major corporate news events. HSTJ supplies military combat gear for the US Armed Forces and was formed for this purpose by highly decorated military leaders. Not surprisingly, HSTJ has experienced a strong increase in monthly orders. Keep watch for an expanded product line as hinted by the Company in recent press in conjunction with additional orders.

Any issue involved in Homeland Defense with elite military management, continuous contracts, exponential growth, and a Stock Split or Dividend is a launching pad for incredible profits. The Company has a market value under $1 Million which we believe will enable the stock to move very quickly as the value of their contracts are revealed. We expect the 30% stock dividend to create an added frenzy by investors loading up before HSTJ goes through the roof.

Certain statements contained in this newsletter may be future-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by such terms as expect, believe, may, will, and intend or similar terms. We are not a register ed invest ment expert or a broker dealer. This is not an offer to buy or sell securities. No recommendation that the securities of the company profiled should be purchased, sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled company. This is an independent electronic publication that was paid ten thousand dollars by a third party for the preparation of this company information. Be advised that investments in small-cap companies are considered to be high-risk and use of the information provided is for reading purposes only. If anyone decides to act as an investor they are advised not to invest without the proper advisement from a registered financial broker. If any party decides to participate as an investor then it will be that investor's sole risk. Be advised that the purchase of such high-risk securities may result in the loss of some or all of the investment. The publisher of this newsletter makes no claims as to the accuracy or the completeness of the company profile. Investors should not rely solely on the information presented. Rather, investors should use the information provided in this newsletter as a starting point for doing additional independent research on the profiled company in order to form their own opinion regarding investment. Factual statements made about the profiled company are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. Investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk. It is possible that an investor's entire investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the company profiled. All information provided about the profiled company has been obtained from publicly available sources which may include the company's web site, public filings, company press releases and informational web sites provided by the actual exchanges where small-cap stocks are traded.

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