On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Paul Hutchings moaned:
> The box is a PII-350mhz with 256mb ram and a pair of mirrored 10k SCSI
> drives on a hardware raid controller, things vary but the machine processes
> around 12,000 emails a week.
> I don't know much about the best ways to evaluate performance under linux,
> disk performance shouldn't be an issue, load averages show around 0.2-0.3,
> but memory usage is always near the physical limit with around 60mb of swap
> in use (this is going from top).

That's about 1.2 mails per minute: your config can easily stand up to
that.  As the load averages indicate, most of the time SA's not doing
anything at all.

On a modern Unix box, memory usage is *always* near the physical limit
unless you've just rebooted or done something extreme with the explicit
intent of pushing things out of cache. Free memory is wasted memory:
It's better to use it for disk caching. It's also often good to push
rarely-used data pages to swap (even though this incurs a disk write)
and use the freed physical RAM for caching of heavily-used data (like,
well, pieces of the Perl binary :) ).

> I wouldn't say things are at all slow, mail takes only a few seconds to be
> passed through the box, but for sake of a few $$ presumably more ram is a
> sensible way to go?

You will run short eventually, spam volumes soaring as they are, but for
now you seem to be OK to me.

`I agree that school is a learning environment, and learning to
 intimidate others -- aka "social skills" -- is part of that.'
   --- jabberwocky

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