On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 03:51:28PM -0700, Bill Landry wrote:
> Hmmm, where else could this configuration issue be, Theo, since none of my
> CF files contain a "-" in the test definitions?  Grep results:

Run spamassassin with -D, it'll tell you what files its reading.  Could be
/usr/share/spamassassin/*.cf, user_prefs, etc.

> And like I said, "spamassassin --lint" comes back with nothing - should it
> not detect this apparent configuration issue, as well?  I can send you the
> "spamassassin --lint -D" output, if you would like.

It should (not knowing what is causing the issue I can't answer for certain,) 
there's nothing in the code that I know of which would be converting
underscore to dash, so it has to be a config file somewhere.

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