On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 4:58:21 PM, Christopher Jett wrote:
> Still not seeing any hits from SURBL.  I do see hits from other RBL's.


> Tons of spam like this, but no SURBL hits at all.  I just verified that 
> my Net::DNS is up to date as well.  I am at a loss to figure out why 
> this is not working.  Everything seems in order, but it is stubbornly 
> not giving me any SURBL scores.

Can you resolve the SURBL domains from the server you're running
SpamAssassin on:

  dig test.surbl.org.multi.surbl.org

What happens when you send yourself a test message with one of
the SURBL test points in it:


> SURBL test URLs are:
>   http://surbl-org-permanent-test-point-MUNGED.com/
> or:
> without the "-MUNGED"s.

Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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