What method are you connecting to your CygWin SpamD?

Perhaps the problem is not with SpamD, but with SpamC.  I noticed that the
new SA3.0 doesn't always fill the incoming TCP for your SpamC calling
application buffer... I use 1024 byte buffers.  This may be throwing
whichever SpamC you are using into confusion as it takes a non-full buffer
to mean that this is the last packet for the email results.  I use the new
Content-length header as a check for message completeness...

I wrote my own custom SpamC in .NET as a plug-in for XMail and stopped
having those issues you are having.

I seem to remember having some issues with WinSpamC (on sourceforge.net) not
getting the entire emails either.... but had pretty good luck with the SpamC
compiled in CygWin.

Feel free to email me directly.  I'm happy to help where I can.
Jason J Ellingson
Technical Consultant

615.301.1682 : nashville
612.605.1132 : minneapolis


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