ok, the virus warning issues have been solved, but NOT the fact that I
have 22 copies of spamd running at the same time, even when I´ve
limited the number of max children of Sendmail to 20, and each copy of
spamd weights 21 MB! How can I limit the amount of memory spamd is

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:05:29 -0400, Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 07:29 PM 9/30/2004, Luis Hernán Otegui wrote:
> >warning: rule 'VIRUS_WARNING_MYDOOM_BNCE' is over 22 chars
> >lint: 51 issues detected.  please rerun with debug enabled for more
> >information.
> >
> >I have an antivirus running as a milter, how do I disable the virus
> >tests in SA, and also, why do I have this warnings?
> Those aren't virus tests, those are tests for "Someone sent a virus using
> your address and my virus scanner is stupidly telling you about it" type
> emails.
> They are also not a part of spamassassin's default rules, they are an add
> on called bogus-virus-warnings.cf .
> If you don't want the ruleset, remove it. Otherwise update it from it's 
> source:
> http://www.timj.co.uk/linux/bogus-virus-warnings.cf

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