Just a little update, this is what's going on over the server:

 11:59am  up 16:12,  1 user,  load average: 10,51, 5,30, 2,47
151 processes: 144 sleeping, 6 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  6,5% user,  2,1% system,  0,0% nice, 91,3% idle
Mem:   449484K av,  444476K used,    5008K free,       0K shrd,      12K buff
Swap:  265032K av,  263440K used,    1592K free                   24896K cached

 9295 spamd     15   0 90604  79M  4788 S     0,0 18,1   0:09 spamd
 9293 spamd     15   0 90228  78M  4908 S     0,0 17,9   0:09 spamd
 9289 spamd     18   0 90248  66M  3924 S     0,0 15,2   0:09 spamd
 9298 spamd     15   0 22808  14M  4764 S     0,0  3,2   0:00 spamd
 9296 spamd     15   0 22904  14M  4744 S     0,0  3,2   0:00 spamd
 9291 spamd     15   0 22896  14M  4732 S     0,0  3,2   0:00 spamd
 9297 spamd     15   0 23008  14M  4740 S     0,0  3,2   0:00 spamd
 9292 spamd     16   0 22480  13M  4856 S     0,0  3,1   0:00 spamd
 9294 spamd     15   0 22460  13M  4800 S     0,0  3,0   0:00 spamd
 9299 spamd     15   0 22440  13M  4908 S     0,0  3,0   0:00 spamd
 9302 spamd     15   0 22808  12M  4636 D     0,0  2,9   0:00 spamd
 9300 spamd     15   0 22524  12M  4720 D     0,7  2,8   0:00 spamd
 9301 spamd     15   0 22460  12M  4652 D     0,1  2,7   0:00 spamd
 9290 spamd     15   0 22704 9628  3760 S     0,0  2,1   0:00 spamd
 7844 apache    15   0  7708 7204  6336 S     0,0  1,6   0:04 httpd
 7437 apache    15   0  7488 7008  4916 S     0,1  1,5   0:04 httpd
 7564 apache    15   0  7520 7008  4840 S     0,0  1,5   0:04 httpd

I mean, 80 MB for the master spamd porcess? How do I limit this?

On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 10:37:05 -0300, Luis Hernán Otegui
> ok, the virus warning issues have been solved, but NOT the fact that I
> have 22 copies of spamd running at the same time, even when I´ve
> limited the number of max children of Sendmail to 20, and each copy of
> spamd weights 21 MB! How can I limit the amount of memory spamd is
> chewing?
> On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:05:29 -0400, Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 07:29 PM 9/30/2004, Luis Hernán Otegui wrote:
> > >warning: rule 'VIRUS_WARNING_MYDOOM_BNCE' is over 22 chars
> > >lint: 51 issues detected.  please rerun with debug enabled for more
> > >information.
> > >
> > >I have an antivirus running as a milter, how do I disable the virus
> > >tests in SA, and also, why do I have this warnings?
> >
> > Those aren't virus tests, those are tests for "Someone sent a virus using
> > your address and my virus scanner is stupidly telling you about it" type
> > emails.
> >
> > They are also not a part of spamassassin's default rules, they are an add
> > on called bogus-virus-warnings.cf .
> >
> > If you don't want the ruleset, remove it. Otherwise update it from it's 
> > source:
> > http://www.timj.co.uk/linux/bogus-virus-warnings.cf
> >
> >
> --
> -------------------------------------------------
> GNU-GPL: "May The Source Be With You...
> -------------------------------------------------

GNU-GPL: "May The Source Be With You...

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