On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, scohen wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. So what's with the SA eats all my memory thread and
> the memory footprint thread? Those two threads and your Scan times up
> thread makes it seem that there are problems.

I think there's a problem with spamd and memory use, and we've tripped
over it a bit, but we now know of a fairly easy workaround.

What I'm finding is that my scan times are significantly faster than
2.64. I wasn't expecting that; it might be an effect of the new spamd
architecture.  Memory usage is well within reason for a well-equipped
machine.  My server has 512M of RAM, and spamd and its children use
about a third of the memory (most of the time).

It's even possible that this memory issue existed in 2.64, but wasn't
visible because spamd children were terminated after each scan.  You can
replicate that behavior in 3.0.0 with the --max-conn-per-child option,
and that's worked well for me so far.

That said, the overall performance and especially accuracy of 3.0.0
has been much higher on my server.

Morris Jones         <*>
Monrovia, CA

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