On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 16:54, Matt Kettler wrote:
> At 09:01 AM 10/6/2004, Ron McKeating wrote:
> >Nigel M kindly sent me this. we will have to think of new job titles
> >unless SA can detect the difference between specialist and cialis. Ooops
> >now nobody will see this email.
> SA can, does and will detect the difference. However, poorly written add-on 
> rules can do whatever they like.
> CIALIS2 is no part of any release of SA from 2.0 through 3.0.0. (Yes I did 
> check them all with grep -r).
> All of the drug rules in 20_drugs.cf from SA 3.0 have proper \b's at the 
> head and foot of the regex, which force a word-boundary.
>  From the looks of it, the administrator of rioja.localnet decided to add 
> his/her own rules, and failed to properly insert \b's where he/she should 
> have.
> Any cialis rule should look something like:
>   body CIALIS    /\bCialis\b/i
> not:
>   body CIALIS2   /Cialis/i
> Sorry, but SA can't do anything to fix bad regex writing on the part of the 
> end user. 

Then I stand corrected and apologise for casting any aspersions on the
reputation of SA. Still made I larf tho.

Ron McKeating
Senior IT Services Specialist
Internet Services and Software Solutions
Loughborough University
01509 222329

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