On Monday, October 11, 2004 6:48 PM, Bill Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Brodbelt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Aha. Whoever put together the package on backports.org omitted that
>> file from the docs.... I'd still contend it should be in UPGRADE
>> though....

To be precise the Debian package maintainers omitted the file, the
backports.org packages are largely rebuilds.

> Why, this in not an upgrade issue.  Network tests have always required
> Net::DNS, at least since I've been using SA (since 2.55).  This from

Yes, but the minimum version of Net::DNS required has changed. 2.64 and
below worked fine with 0.19, which is the version in Debian woody (current
`stable'), 3.0.0 doesn't. *That* is an upgrade issue, imho.

There's currently a bug open against the Debian unstable SA3 package to
properly version the Net::DNS dependency (as this bit us on upgrade as well)
and it should be easy to persuade the backports.org maintainer to update the
backport once that makes it in to the unstable package.

Meantime, if anyone needs it I'm quite happy to share our local backported
version of the Net::DNS package (aka libnet-dns-perl in Debian) with anyone
who contacts me off-list.



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