Kevin Morwood wrote:
> Hello,
> I am sure this issue has come up before.  I have seen mention of it
> but no resolution. 
> I am trying to build/install SA 3.0.0.  I have been using SA
> since 2.1 or something really old.  The most recent I have
> installed (running currently) is 2.63.  I have been installing these
> via RPMs. 
> Now, I am not able to find RPMs for 3.0.0 for RH9.  So, I
> figured it shouldn't be too hard to just build it.  Oh, how wrong can
> one be! 
> Not being a Perl/CPAN expert I am lost.  When I run perl
> Makefile.PL...the resulting makefile is garbage.  I write
> software for a living and it is easy to see that this
> makefile won't build anything.  But as I said I write
> software for a living and I don't have real time to debug/fix
> this.  Since I'm sure that someone has seen this before I
> would like just a nudge in the right direction.
> I have tried on both my production server and on a clean RH9.
>  I thought maybe I had messed up the Perl environment so I
> built a new one from scratch.  The end result was exactly the
> same.  I will test whatever steps on the clean machine and
> then apply the same steps to the production server.  In the
> worst case I'll end up with a new machine for handling all of our
> email (not a bad thing). 
> Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post...
> Kevin
When you say the makefile is garbage, do you mean it simply won't work or

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