At 11:08 AM 11/29/2004, Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina wrote:
I would like to know how to increase the "rate" or the "mark" of a
message received from an open relay.
In fact, we're 99,9% sure that it's a spam! are'nt we?
I would like to set the "rate" of the RCVD_IN_ORBS to 4 (at least).
How to ?

in change the score with a new score statement:

        score RCVD_IN_ORBS      4.0

Is it a good idea ?

Not really. ORBS at last check had a pretty noticeable FP rate. (3% of hits were nonspam, 97% spam in the 2.55 set3 mass-check data).

Based on ORBS's FP rate, you clearly can't say we are 99.9% sure. In fact, we're only 97% sure, which is a factor of 30 different.

By the way, how ancient a version of SA are you using? ORBS hasn't been used by SA since 2.55. (although alternate-language describes existed through 2.64, no actual rule exists in the 2.6x or 3.x families)

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