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Gray, Richard wrote:

| Can anyone shed any light on how Brightmail achieves the rather
| impressive statistics it is quoting, or do you think it is just smoke
| and mirrors?

The first thing to note about performance statistics with regard to a
spam filter (no matter who makes it) is that there's no "standard" way
to measure such a thing.  Each manufacturer can use his own definition
of "accuracy" or "efficiency", and tailor his formula to produce the
most flattering result.  Until you know what that formula is, however,
you can't readily compare one product with another.

The closest thing to a "standard" way of measuring a spam filter's
effectiveness is the scientific model that medical researchers use for
diagnostic tests.  Even so, there are five separate tests, not just one:

PPV = spam / (spam + FP)
NPV = ham / (ham + FN)
Sensitivity = spam / (spam + FN)
Specificity = ham / (ham + FP)
Efficiency = (spam + ham) / (spam + ham + FP + FN)

PPV is the Positive Predictive Value.  If the filter says it's spam, how
likely is it to actually be spam?

NPV is the Negative Predictive Value.  If the filter says it's ham, how
likely is it to actually be ham?

Sensitivity is the "true positive" rate.  If it's actually spam, how
likely is the filter to say it's spam?

Specificity is the "true negative" rate.  If it's actually ham, how
likely is the filter to say it's ham?

Efficiency is the ratio of true positives and true negatives to total
mail items processed--that is, the percentage of mail that was correctly
classified.  This is what most people expect a vendor's claim to represent.

Needless to say, these five tests will give you five different
statistics.  On my SpamAssassin setup, for instance, my current stats
look like this:

PPV = 99.68%
NPV = 98.07%
Sensitivity = 99.64%
Specificity = 98.23%
Efficiency = 99.43%

Now, if I were being honest about how well SpamAssassin has been working
for me, I'd probably quote the Efficiency figure (99.43%), since I
consider that the most comprehensive and realistic estimate of the
filter's overall performance.

On the other hand, if I were selling this product and wanted to dazzle
you with the most impressive statistic available, I'd cherry-pick the
PPV figure (99.68%) and feed that number to the marketing department.

- --
Robert LeBlanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Renaissoft, Inc.
Maia Mailguard <http://www.maiamailguard.com/>

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