At 06:06 PM 12/1/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I think Earthlink uses Brightmail. If that is so then Brightmail
>statistics are VERY bad. I doubt I had any false alarms - lost email.
>But it only got about 75% or less of the spam. I used it while on the
>road the last two weeks. I might comment that I was very unimpressed.

Did you enable your filtering?
I think that you have to enable it first from the Spamminator address.
It's been ages since I had an Earthlink account, not sure if things are
the same now.

If it caught 75%, then apparently it's enabled.

My results on Brightmail with my home ISP since my last post in this thread are 3 FNs and 41 spams recognized. That's about 93.18% of the total spam caught, and a 6.82% FN rate.

But again, I've had absolutely zero FPs on it and have been using it for many months. 93% hit rate isn't great, but 0 FPs is always a good thing. Overall it's very comparable to SA 3.0.1's set3 performance with a threshold of 8.0, the lowest threshold that actually got 0 FPs in the last mass-check:

 SUMMARY for threshold 8.0:
# Correctly non-spam:  29452  100.00%
# Correctly spam:      26031  93.27%
# False positives:         0  0.00%
# False negatives:      1877  6.73%
# TCR(l=50): 14.868407  SpamRecall: 93.274%  SpamPrec: 100.000%

I guess my ISP has chosen a quite conservative setting for BM, which I guess I'd prefer to them choosing an overly-aggressive setting.

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