On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 12:53:21 -0800, Evan Platt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>At 12:49 PM 1/3/2005, you wrote:
>>I know that it's generally frowned upon to actually "block" SPAMs (as
>>opposed to marking them as SPAM and letting the user decide) but my
>>company has some instances where we get things that are blatantly,
>>absolutely, unequivocally SPAM (think scores in excess of 100 points
>>without BAYES or any white/blacklisting) and I wonder if there is a way
>>I can configure SpamAssassin to actually block (as in, return a 550 SMTP
>>error code) SPAMs that exceed some ludicrous SPAM score?  Does such an
>>option exist?  If not, might it be useful for the community at large?
>No. Spamassassin cannot do any blocking or rejecting.
>Spamassassin is only a filter.
>You can probably configure your MUA via procmail or another method to 
>'reject' spam (bad idea), but SA cannot.

We use qmail and qmail-scanner with Spamassassin.  The spam flag is set to Y
at 5.  If the score is greater than 10, qmail-scanner summarily deletes the


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