Gustafson, Tim wrote:


I know that it's generally frowned upon to actually "block" SPAMs (as
opposed to marking them as SPAM and letting the user decide) but my
company has some instances where we get things that are blatantly,
absolutely, unequivocally SPAM (think scores in excess of 100 points
without BAYES or any white/blacklisting) and I wonder if there is a way
I can configure SpamAssassin to actually block (as in, return a 550 SMTP
error code) SPAMs that exceed some ludicrous SPAM score? Does such an
option exist? If not, might it be useful for the community at large?

Tim, I've been doing this for 2 years with Mimedefang and sendmail.
sendmail passes the message to mimedefang, which scans it with clamd and then passes it to spamassassin.
spamassassin returns the score and based on this mimedefang can accept, reject or quietly send the message to /dev/null. (or many other things)

i send viruses to /dev/null but i bounce spam, partly in the vain hope that some spammers might actually back off after multiple failures, and mainly in case of false positives, so that the sender knows the message wasn't delivered.

you have total control via configuration of the mimedefang filter.

i have to say it's a bit of a pain to setup and test, especially on a production server, best would be if you can set it up on a test box first and play with it. there are a lot of steps and various perl modules and programs you need to compile and install, but there are plenty of faqs out there. qmail-scanner might be easier, i dunno i haven't installed it yet.
if you are going to go for it with MD, start here:


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