> I have searched around rulesemporium without much success trying to find
> these LOCAL_OBFU_* rules.  I don't suppose you could tell me the
> filename that they occur in could you? (I assume they will be in
> /etc/mail/Spamassassin or wherever your local.cf file is for your
> install).

Sorry, for the latish reply, I've been occupied.

It turns out they are in 99_OBFU_drugs.cf.  The file is dated May of last
year, but that is probably when we downloaded it.  The file may have been
far older somewhere on the web.

Doing a little googling, I find at least one version still out on the net,
dated as last updated in March of last year.  It was indeed created with
Chris's obfu rult generator.  At one point it was on the SARE rules page,
but is no longer.  I'm not quite sure why it disappeared, but would guess
the assumption was it was subsumed into antidrug.  Or perhaps it hit too
much ham.

I didn't determine who was the original author of this; but probably someone
remembers, or some more googling would turn it up.


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