At 02:55 PM 1/15/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

/usr/local/bin/spamd -d -x -u qscand -r /var/run/

I used to run a script to kill and restart spamd every time I made a
config change (ie, whitelist) because it was said that older versions of
SA needed a full restart.  I tried a SIGHUP for the parent spamd id, and
although the log shows the signal received, the processes die and I have
to start spamd manually.

According to man spamd, you parameter set is incompatible with using SIGHUP:

-u username, --username=username
Run as the named user. If this option is not set, the default behaviour is to setuid() to the user running spamc, if spamd is running as root.

Note: ``--username=root'' disables the setuid() functionality and leaves spamd running as root.

Note: If this option is set to a non-root user, and spamd is to run on a privileged port (any < 1024, default 783 or via -p), the parent will not be able to be sent a SIGHUP to reload the configuration.

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